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Now, Live with Laughter

Hello Everyone,
My heart ached when I wrote the last update and I thought this journey had come to an end but like Lindsey, there is just too much to contain in 1 final entry. Even after her time here with us came to an end Lindsey’s influence continues on and on.
I wanted to share with you the events following Lindsey’s graduation because it has truly been so uplifting and spiritual. I know that if I can help you feel a tiny bit of what I have felt this week then I have accomplished what needed to be done. On behalf of Lindsey…..
Planning a funeral can be chaotic, depressing, disparaging, and something you just don’t want to have to deal with. You envision someone just wanting to wallow in their misery at the loss that has occurred. I can tell you that none of that was true as Josh, the family and the friends came together to create a tribute that would be fitting for her memory. The day Lindsey passed away her sister Savanah’s friend pulled us all together and sang us the most incredible song which she had written for Lindsey. It was so amazing and beautiful…it was perfect. Everything just fell into place as we pulled together to create an experience which would inspire people as Lindsey did. I think we were able to accomplish that very thing.
Sunday night, we knew many people would come to the viewing (isn’t that an odd word?) but we were truly overcome with joy at the sheer numbers that came to tell us of their love for our beautiful girl. Over 500 Sunday night alone. The line was 2 hours long and people stayed. There could be no rush for the moments we spent with everyone. Feelings and memories were being shared. Hugs, joy, and sadness as well but it was incredible. Someone mentioned to me that we would be there until 10:30pm! I said FANTASTIC!! I wouldn’t want it to be any other way. The only thing that gave any argument was my feet J
Monday, it was the same. So many people wanting that last moment with Lindsey. One of her very best friends flew in from New Orleans. Another lady came and spent the 2 hours in line. She had never met Lindsey, Josh, or any of the rest of the family, but she had read her story and just needed to come and meet us. That is the powerful impact of Lindsey.
The moment came to say goodbye. Josh leaned over his sweetheart one last time and gently kissed her on the lips. It was the only time he wept publicly. He has been so incredibly strong.
The funeral became a living tribute to Lindsey. The music touched our hearts. Her siblings did the life sketch and shared a personal experience of Lindsey. Then Josh….yes, he spoke. He talked of his love for Lindsey, what it meant to care for her and how it deepened their love, her impact, her love for others, it was powerful and touching. We were all moved by his strength. He was referred to as a giant among men, a warrior for Lindsey. It’s true, he was Lindsey’s warrior against all the battled against her. Mark and I spoke, (I will post the story I shared at friends request in a separate post) her parents. Todd had us laughing at wonderful memories, such as Lindsey’s love of Halloween and outrageous costumes! He called her a firecracker and she was! Then the Bishop. He spoke of going to the hospital in June and even though Lindsey was swollen from the medication he told of how incredibly beautiful she looked. So much so that she looked like an angel. He said he felt as if he needed to remove his shoes, that he was walking on holy ground when he entered her room. It was indeed the way many of us felt those last weeks when we were with Lindsey. You knew that she wasn’t enduring this journey on her own. You knew and felt the angels there to help her.
Following the funeral was the graveside service. There was so much we wanted to show emotionally that we extended it to this beautiful spot where Lindsey’s physical body will remain while her spirit soars free. The song again written and sung by her sisters sweet friend and then the dedication. The pallbearers looked on with their yellow ties (her favorite color) They stood side by side and appeared to stand ready to protect this spot. So touching was the dedication by her grandfather, Darwin Cottle. I will never forget these moments.
I must pause in her story to thank the numerous people who stepped forward to help with this day. I can’t name you all by name but you know who you are and you know you are loved. From the viewing and helping with all the preparations necessary there, to the luncheon where it took 4 separate Relief Societies to organize and produce a lunch for approximately 200 people. There were even French fries from Taco Amigo! Awesome.
Needless to say as the day wound down we should have been emotionally spent and physically exhausted but there were still moments to be had on this incredible day. Those who wished met us by Utah Lake and we didn’t have profound things to say. We only wished to end the day on a light note. Which was exactly what happened!. The wind was blowing and we needed it to be calm (I think Lindsey orchestrated that) there were bugs aplenty so we couldn’t stand still for very long, most of the lighters didn’t work but somehow we made it all happen. The wind would carry the lanterns down the beach and people were chasing them and laughing. One caught fire (my husbands – lol) people were continually swatting at the bugs. Honestly, it was a huge laugh fest and I know Lindsey was smiling and laughing watching it all happen. We did get many of the lanterns to fly and on them was written “Lindsey, Shine bright and fly free” and oh how she did! It was a beautiful site to witness.
2 days later the new music lab at Grovecrest Elementary was dedicated in Lindsey’s honor. On the walls in each room were the mottos “I hope you dance” and a plaque with Lindsey’s picture and living through laughter motto hangs in the entry to both rooms. So Lindsey didn’t just inspire each of us to be better people, or even the people who had never met her before from her story being shared. She will inspire generations of children who pass through those doors to be more, do more, and most importantly to do it all while laughing and dancing!

May we all remember the feelings we have had while sharing Lindsey and Josh’s story. I pray we all try, especially on those days when things aren’t going our way, to remember than none of the trials we face could be more difficult than Lindsey’s own journey and yet she never lost her smile, her will to fight for every moment, her love for Josh, her family and friends. She never let this trial make her bitter, or angry. I never saw self pity in her eyes or felt depression when I was with her. Those who spoke to her felt better themselves after coming to comfort ‘her’. I believe if it wasn’t impossible for Lindsey then we surely can do that for ourselves and those around us. The impact she had on life was incredible. We have that very ability. It’s within us to make it happen so with all the love I hold for this incredible girl and the lessons she taught me…..I hope you dance.
With love and thanks,

Hello Everyone,
I’m sitting alone in my office at home and next to my computer is a beautiful picture of Lindsey. It was taken when Josh and Lindsey were engaged and she has the most radiant smile you can imagine. Josh enhanced the sepia toned picture by accentuating Lindsey’s beautiful blue eyes and they were so full of happiness and life the day it was taken. It was the smile that drew people to her like moths to light. The smile that inspired 100’s of people who didn’t even know her but felt her love and joy. The smile that greeted me each time I saw her and later each time I entered her room while she lie in her bed. The smile, which she tried so hard to show on Tuesday nite to Josh. Her joy was complete the day she married her best friend just a little more than 3 years ago.
Before I began this update I said a quiet prayer that I would be able to convey Lindsey’s feelings and happiness. I am being told over and over she is incredibly, joyously happy. I know she will sit beside me while I tell her final eartly story and that brings me unimaginable comfort.
Tuesday night I was with Josh and Lindsey with my son Matt. Lindsey was there but struggling to communicate thru the fragileness of her weakened and stricken body. She looked at me, not with bright eyes, but with eyes that said “I did all I could do” I whispered in her ear that she had fought so incredibly hard and she nodded her head yes. She struggled to raise her hand and made the ‘I love you’ symbol. I couldn’t believe the will of her spirit to be able to do such a thing when the rest of her body could barely do anything at all. She slowly turned to Josh and then to Matt and made the same symbol. It touched my heart with joy and pain. I don’t think I can fully explain to you the extent of my love for Lindsey. When you are allowed to serve someone your love grows and grows until you feel you might burst. That is how much I loved her. You can only imagine Josh’s love for Lindsey for the love and care he showed her. Always by her side. Doing what it took to make her comfortable and happy. It physically hurt to pull myself from her that night. I thought of her all thru the restless night that followed.
Wednesday morning Josh got up as usual and went to work. He said Lindsey’s breathing had been a little louder, like snoring and since Lindsey mostly slept thru the day he didn’t think too much of it. However, it was Lindsey’s body doing it’s final preparations to finally be done. As the moments rolled on, all of her siblings, Josh’s family, nieces, nephews, aunts, best friends, gathered in Lindsey’s room. We were told it could be a short while or it took take some time. Honestly, I thought that Lindsey had beaten all of the other predictions that we were going to be there a while. No one wanted to leave, however and there were nearly 25 people gathered around her bed. Lindseys Mom Pam gave one of the most beautiful prayers I have ever heard and we all began to share our feelings and testimonies regarding Lindsey’s life, her legacy, Josh and the care he gave her and the plan of salvation. It was one of the most spiritual and beautiful experiences of my life. Each person dug deep and there were many tears shed. My sons, who are typically incredible private people, shared their love of Lindsey and also their admiration for their brother. We had nearly all spoken when Pam began and while she spoke Lindsey took her final and very peaceful breaths and let that burdensome body go free. It was so peaceful that I really believe if we hadn’t been so focused on her we may have missed it. Lindsey graduated from this eartly existence at 2:22 pm (her moms favorite #) it was no coincidence. I will tell you that I honestly believe Lindseys spirit had already escaped that ravaged body. She was with us to be sure but her body made no movement whatsoever that day. Her eyes didn’t flutter, her fingers didn’t twitch, her head didn’t move, she didn’t try to speak. It was just breathing and I know she was so incredibly happy to be free. To be the Lindsey we know. To look at her in that bed couldn’t be Lindsey. There was no life, no joy, no happiness. No, that could not be her….but she was there beyond our ability to see her, doing her happy dance 🙂
We have so deeply been moved by the outpouring of love we have received in service and messages we have received. Lindsey’s facebook page was inundated with messages and memories and Josh cherished each one. They have been so comforting for him and all of us during this time. Josh is a rock and doing well. He stayed in the same room last night while he, Todd (Lindsey’s Dad) and his friend Grant all shared fun memories of Lindsey. Josh wanted to stay close to where she was. He told me that he knows she is happy. There was nothing left unsaid between them and he is peaceful about her passing.
Lindsey’s funeral will be held on Monday at 1p in the Timpanogos Stake Center, 800 North 100 West in Pleasant Grove. A viewing will be held 1 hour prior to the funeral and at the same location on Sunday night from 6:30 – 8:30pm. On Monday nite we will be having a special send off for Lindsey by setting 40 floating lanterns aloft to celebrate her life and anyone who would like to participate is free to join us. I will give more information regarding that location later on.
Thank you all for sharing Lindsey’s journey with us. Thank you for opening your hearts to her story and letting it be a part of who you are. But….her journey is not finished, only beginning. She is on her way to her next great adventure and I’m envious. For those that know Lindsey and those who have felt her through these updates, she is laughing that wonderful laugh, singing at the top of her lungs, dancing her most happy dance, and watching over us. Lindsey, we love you and you will forever be in our hearts. May we all live as Lindsey lived. With laughter, hope, and dreams.

The Parable of Immortality
Henry Van Dyke

I am standing by the seashore.
A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze
and starts for the blue ocean.
She is an object of beauty and strength,
and I stand and watch until at last she hangs like a peck of white cloud
just where the sun and sky come down to mingle with each other.
Then someone at my side says :
– ‘There she goes!

Gone where?
Gone from my sight – that is all.
She is just as large in mast and hull and spar
as she was when she left my side
and just as able to bear her load of living freight
to the places of destination.
Her diminished size is in me, not in her.
And just at the moment when someone at my side says:
– ‘There she goes! ‘,
there are other eyes watching her coming to shore,
and other voices ready to take up the glad shout :
– ‘Here she comes!’

~ August Update ~

Hello Everyone,
Well my promise to send out an update sooner didn’t really pan out.  I looked at the calender and it’s been another 3 weeks.  Crazy how time gets away from a person.  I don’t understand it, it sure doesn’t seem like my days go by that fast 🙂
What do I say in this update?  I certainly don’t want anyone to be caught off guard and I have people that send me notes and ask how Lindsey is doing.  Most of the time I’m not quite sure how to respond.  It’s one of those things that you know what the kids, the family and you are going through and yet how do I convey it to all of you without sacrificing Josh and Lindsey’s privacy.  It’s a quandry to be sure but I defintely want the people who love Lindsey to understand her situation.
Over the last few weeks I’ve received some amazing notes from people I don’t even know but that know Lindsey and have a past with her.  They have shared some wonderful memories with me and I love reading back through those notes, especially on difficult days, and they bring me joy.  Lindsey was an incredibly vibrant and loving girl and it shows when I receive heartfelt and personal experiences from her friends.  Those notes are cherished.  In fact, it would be an awesome time to share some personal experiences, if you feel you can.  These don’t have to be a memory you have shared with Lindsey, it can be your feelings about how her journey has affected you.  What positive things have you done or changed, and how will it change the way you look at life?  I know I have much I can and will share when the time is right.  For me now, writing the updates is my tribute to her.  I hope as we go through the next little while we may all take a few minutes and go to the blog, read back through her journey, and be inspired.  That is my prayer and hope.
Lindsey still greets me with a smile when I enter her bedroom.  It’s pretty rare when a smile is missed and that would only be because she is eating french fries.  I’m not kidding!!  That girl LOVES french fries.  Regular, Taco Amigo (extra crispy, extra salty), Sweet Potato fries.  It doesn’t matter as long as they came from a potato and look like something that should be a french fry, then she’s in heaven.  Oh boy is all I can say.  It makes me smile.   When I leave I always make sure to blow Lindsey a kiss.  She always returns it.  It’s my special 1 second of connection with her.  🙂  I love sitting with Lindsey, even if no words are spoken and caring for her.  It makes me feel that I am on the path I should be.  What a gift for me to be able to do that.  What a blessing she is in my life.  I love watching my son care for his best friend.  It doesn’t matter what it is, he is her strength.  Lindsey doesn’t say much these days but when Josh gets ready to leave he always says “I love you Lindsey” and Lindsey always replies “I love you more” which of course is greeted with “I love you most” (now don’t be thinking of that creepy witch in Tangled cause this is awesome)  What makes it even more amazing is that truly Lindsey only says one maybe two words at a time now but the expression of love for Josh is strong and clear. 
Some time ago I posted a quote and I think I wrote it again not too long ago.  But it’s important and I need to remember it more than anything right now. “We may not know what the future holds, but we know who holds it”  My dear friend Karen told me that at the beginning of this diffcult journey and it’s even more important to remember now as the days get harder to bear.  I believe we all know that Lindsey’s time here is limited.  It is drawing closer each day and we have done all we can do.  She has beaten the odds by so much more than any of the doctors ever thought.  We have witnessed miracles and events take place, the outpouring of service and love in hers and Josh’s behalf has been incredible.  I wish I could write that there has been a drastic change in her condition, that things have turned around but I don’t believe I will ever get the opportunity to write those words and my heart is broken.  There are days when the waves of sadness are almost too much to bear but then I receive a note from someone unexpected or a friend says something that lifts me up.  Those do more than I can ever say.
Thank you to all of you for wanting to be included in Lindseys life and journey.  Thank you for supporting the kids and sending them your love.  Mark’s Aunt Kathy made an incredible “Memory” quilt for Lindsey that hasn’t left her bed since she gave it to her that was embroidered with special dates from Lindseys life.  Truly a gift from the heart.  I know your prayers were and are heard.  I know they have extended Lindseys life.  She is very little discomfort which just shouldn’t be happening.  She doesn’t even take Ibuprophen.  I will never be able to express to all of you what is in my heart but I hope I’ve given you some idea.  Another quote I shared recently is this….and I hope we remember it.  “What if tomorrow you ended up with only what you thanked God for today”  Something to think about.  We should all be grateful for the experience of knowing Lindsey.
With all my love,

Happy 3rd Anniversary to Josh and Lindsey!!

Hello Everyone.
Well my promise to do better on the updates didn’t pan out too well. Sorry about that. I know everyone is interested in what’s happening and 2 weeks is much too long (ok, it’s been 3). Yikes.
The reason I haven’t sent out more regular updates is that things are pretty status quo, however, I will tell you that we had a remarkable day with Josh and Lindsey on the 4th of July. As I tell you the events of the day, keep in mind that she is mostly in her bed for the majority of the day. Each day she had small seizure activity or tremors that prevent her from swallowing and she is generally very tired, however, she really wanted to see the balloon launch in Provo early in the morning, so we made our plans.
At 5a, Mark and I were up and going, out the door and over to Lindsey’s parents by 5:30a. (not just us but the boys as well!) Lindsey and Josh were up and going and she was excited to be able to go. We loaded her up and made our way to Provo. We arrived just as they were beginning the flag raising ceremony. This was a large US flag attached to the Alexanders red, white, and blue balloon and the entire gathering repeated the pledge of allegiance with the announcer and then played the Star Spangled Banner. It was awesome. All of the balloons began to inflate and they even had Darth Vader head (haha) which was a massive 86′ across and a price tag of $500,000. Most of the balloons were inflated and ready to take off when a pretty stiff wind came and the launch was cancelled. It was a little disappointing but still it was a fun time for our family to be together. Matt, Jenny and their 2 boys along with Mitch, Mike, and us all spent a beautiful morning together in the midst of these awesome balloons and field of color. (ok, that’s the Mom version) The boys were a bit disappointed but not to fear as the Karrs tend to make their own entertainment. Pretty soon we had made our way to the parking lot where our vehicles were and Mike (with Jaxson in the stroller) and Matt (with Logan in a stroller) began to do stroller races. We were all laughing and having a great time. I’m not sure who won but it was close! I thought for sure by this point that Lindsey would have wanted to go home and rest but she was still going strong so we headed out to breakfast. Her appetite is healthy and it took a couple of hours but we had fun and she did really, really well. Afterwards, yes, by then she was ready for a nap (we all were 😉 and later we all went and watched Josh and his Dad fly their RC planes. A bit more rest and she was ready for fireworks!! We parked in the church parking lot and had a perfect view. It was a magical day and the best part is that she had absolutely no tremors or seizure activity the entire day. It was a bit of a miracle in itself.
Since that day Lindsey has had her ups and downs. My daughter Jessica spoke with Lindsey while she was in the hospital this last time and then spoke to her again recently. She said she couldn’t believe how much better she now sounded! On the phone that day, you’d never know. A girl stopped me in church yesterday and she had stopped and spoken to Josh and Lindsey a few weeks ago and she said I couldn’t believe it that I walked away feeling happy and joyful and I expected to be full of sadness at their situation but they gave me a huge dose of happiness. Isn’t that incredible truly?
Today, July 18th, is Josh and Lindsey’s 3rd Anniversary. Unfortunately, Lindsey is having a down day and is extremely tired and not too aware that it is actually their special day but Josh still took the day off to be with her. He made her favorite food of all time, french fries, for lunch. Honestly, that girl could eat french fries for breakfast. lunch, and dinner!! And she loves fry sauce! She will even eat it on brocolli. Crazy and fun. Their love shows through everything else that is happening. Josh is strong, a little sadder, but I think not as full of anxiety, which is a blessing. If you’d like to shoot them a “Happy Anniversary” note, I know they would love it. If you are on FB drop them a line on their pages, Josh Karr or Lindsey Kae Robinson Karr. You do not have to be on their list of friends to drop a note. Otherwise go to the blog or even better to the website of The website has much more information on it than the blog but whichever you are comfortable with.
Don’t forget to still offer prayers, or send positive energy to Lindsey at 5:55. Thank you one and all for all the notes, love, and encouragement. There are people I knew very little at the beginning of this journey which began a year ago, who are now some of my greatest sources of peace. Friends and family, you are loved.
With love,

Lindsey Update – June 27

Hello Everyone,
          First, let me apologize for not getting something out to you sooner.  I can’t believe it’s been nearly 2 weeks since my last update.  I’m very sorry about that.
Just to briefly go over my last email to you all, Lindsey had a major seizure on Monday, June 13th.  She was being cared for at home by Josh and the hospice team but it became clear as the week progressed that more care was needed than was capable of being done at home and Lindsey was admitted into the AF hospital on Thursday, June 16th.  At that time they inserted a feeding tube as Lindsey had not been able to intake any food as she was having ‘seizure activity’ in her throat muscles and tongue that prevented her from swallowing.  She had not eaten anything since Monday morning.  Gratefully, her color improved almost immediately and she began speaking a little more.  It was very slurred to begin with and almost imperceptible but with each day we witnessed her determination and perseverance to get better and each day her speech improved, she gained strength and was standing, going on wheelchair walks around the hospital, etc.  By Monday, the 20th they decided the tremors, which had remained fairly constant, had subsided enough to try food.  She did well and she was able to order dinner.  If any of you know Lindsey well, you know she LOVES food.  She ordered nearly everything available to her on the menu and the hospital staff thought it was awesome!  And darned if she didn’t eat nearly everything they brought her.  It took a while but she did it!  One of those “I can’t believe it”! moments (We know there have been many of those).
          The hospice team was overall in charge of her care while she was in the hospital and the Dr. was amazing.  They have only known Lindsey in this state as she wasn’t having to utilize hospice much since they placed her on it in February, so they had no comprehension that she would be up walking, talking, eating, and determined to “get out of this hospital!” Which she did on Tues, the 21st.  However, upon getting settled at home she experience another seizure for which Josh administered the shot and we waiting.  She woke up 4 hours later and all she wanted was french fries and so that is what she got.  Of course, we were stressed as you can imagine.  Josh got very little sleep the next few days watching her and making sure in the night there weren’t any problems.  He is still having to go to work, which is a blessing in itself as he can get out and clear his head, regroup, and when he gets home he is ready to take care of things thru the evening and thru the night.  Lindsey has a wonderful girl, who has been her friend for years, taking care of her throughout the day and she has been a huge blessing for Josh and her family.
          Now what?  I want you to know that first and foremost, we need to keep our hope alive and the prayers and positive energy flowing.  We realize that the course Lindsey is on is not the one we were hoping for, which was to be healed and live a long and full life with her best friend Josh.  Indications; continuous seizure activity and another major seizure on Saturday afternoon while taking fairly heavy doses of anti-seizure medication, are that the tumors are progressing and placing pressure on her brain.  The seizure which landed her in the hospital has taken its toll. She has less fluid thought and has trouble at times putting it all together.  The feeding tube remains and helps to get necessary fluids, medications, etc administered.  However, she still has the fierce determination which has caused her to beat all the time limits the Dr.s had placed upon her.  Friday nite she very much wanted to go have a little fire up the canyon and did just that.  She even walked the entire distance from the truck, down the path, across the bridge and to the little site we were at.  She never ceases to amaze me.  She had a beautiful morning with her Mom and sisters and then had another major seizure on Saturday afternoon.  Josh is handling everything extremely well.  He’s in hyper mode watching for any sign of trouble but being very stable and a strength for Lindsey.
          At this point I’m not going to get into the details of what will more than likely occur over the next days to weeks but we know that our time with Lindsey here is limited.  This is not a discussion each of us needs to have with her and please don’t flood their phones with calls.  I believe these conversations are for her and Josh to have alone together.  Your love and support have been there, we know it is there, and we have found that place where peace resides.  There has been so much to be thankful for on this incredible journey that Lindsey has allowed each one of us to be a part of with her.  It has been as individual for Joshua, her family, friends, people she has inspired, even people who don’t even know her, as it has for her.  We have each taken something from this experience and hopefully allowed it to take a foothold in our souls to the extent that we never forget what we have learned.  I know for myself that my life will never be the same.  I hope to love deeper, be more and live more than I ever have before.  Yes, Lindsey will forever be a part of me and I love her more than I can ever express.
          In the days and weeks ahead I encourage you to pray for peace, understanding and freedom of pain for Lindsey and Josh.  I want you to know that she has experienced the miracle of absolutely no pain.  The oncology nurse who lives next door told me that is unheard of with what she is going through, yet she has not had to have one dose of pain medication.  I will keep you updated as best I can.  Again, there is much peace to be found and we are experiencing that.  Thank you, thank you to you all.
With thanks and deepest love,

Update for June 13th 2011

Hello Everyone,
Many of you have already heard that Lindsey suffered a massive seizure
yesterday morning around 10a.  She was brushing her teeth, Josh had gone to work
and her sister was sitting with her in the room.  Her Mom heard her fall and
rushed in while her sister ran next door.  Their neighbor is an oncology nurse
and Lindsey’s friend.  They were able to administer the shots with anti-seizure
medication, call Josh, and call hospice.
 Mark and I were in St. George when we received the call.
She experienced several more seizures throughout the day.
The hospice nurses were really good and got her set up with oxygen, IV,
medications, etc.  It was a very long day for Lindsey and the family but I just
came from being with Josh and Lindsey today at lunch and though tired and weak
she is doing much better.
There haven’t been any seizures today.  While I was there she wanted her notebook to write in
and when Josh was being helpful and writing what had happened today she gave him that look
that says “I was trying to do that”!
I told her about being in Zions National Park and doing the hike
we all did together in 2009. I told her about taking an honorary platypus
picture (Jenny, Lindsey, and I took one in 2009 and it’s one of my favorites)
She smiled and looked at me deeply. She isn’t able to speak yet but was
trying. I told her we would all go again in the fall. Another big smile. It
made my heart happy.

She drew Josh close and kissed him several times and wanted him to hold her hand.
I think these are very big improvements over what we experienced yesterday.
As I was leaving I told her I loved her and would be back later.
She waved goodbye to me.  Another good sign.

Please keep her in your prayers.  I posted the event yesterday on FB
because that’s all I was able to do mobile.  I will keep you posted as I’m able
with her progress.  I know we all have a interest in what happens here.  It has
been a journey to be sure.  A friend of mine posted this and I feel it’s
appropriate to share with you.

“When the Japanese mend broken objects, they
aggrandize the damage by filling the cracks with gold. They believe that when
something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful.”
~Barbara Bloom

I’m not inferring that Lindsey’s broken by any means, but that our experience with
Lindsey’s journey and being able to share in it with her and Joshua have made our
lives more beautiful.  We are filling in our broken bits with the gold of knowing her
and having her in our lives.  And truth be told, Lindsey is one of the most beautiful
people I have ever known.
With love,


Today our sweet Lindsey turns 25!!  It is a sign of good luck that she is turning 25 on the 25th!  We know this will be her best birthday yet and we encourage each of you to drop her a note via the blog or on Facebook on the For Lindsey page, her FB page, Lindsey Kae Robinson Karr!

As an update, Lindsey is doing amazingly well.  They have reduced her steroids again and the swelling is gradually coming down.  You can imagine that has been fairly uncomfortable for her.  We could see it in her face and tummy but it was seriously affecting her elbows and knees.  With the reduction of the steroid she is doing much better.  Josh and Lindsey came made it over for dinner on Sunday and honestly, watching her, it was just like always.  She was happy, laughing, eating, and really enjoying the day.  She didn’t get tired (really good) and I could see our healthy happy Lindsey shining through.  It was another encouraging moment.
As an added note, if you will check out there is now a $2 donation button.  It seems when I stated that if we could get each person who visited the site to simply donate $2 what a difference that would make.  I think sometimes we think that if we can’t do alot then it’s better to do nothing.  This isn’t the case.  All the smallest of donations add up.  Really, that’s just a little more than a soda!  Also, there is a contest to guess the actual amount which was raised at the run.  The winner will received a signed print of “The Power of Hope”!  I know I mentioned earlier a general amount which the run raised but it changed so hop on and enter the contest!!
Love you all,

Lindon woman’s battle with cancer inspires those around her –

Lindsey channel 5!

Tune in today to watch an interview with Lindsey! Channel 5 – 6pm


This past Saturday, hundreds of supporters gathered at Inlet Park in Saratoga Springs, UT to show their love and support for Lindsey and Josh Karr. Thank you to everyone who attended!  More details will come soon about the incredible success of the event, but for now, take a look at these beautiful photos that photographer Jamie Robinson of JSR Photography took at the event.

Thank you to Jamie for being one of our event photographers, capturing the greatness of this day, and for sharing her incredible talent with us.  Her work is beautiful, and you will see the love of Lindsey perfectly in these photos.

Stay tuned for updates and race results!