The Lemon

On February 28, 2011, a party was held for Lindsey.  The Celebration of Life was an incredible event with musicians, speakers, a photo booth, talking, laughing, and memories.

When Lindsey spoke, she talked a lot about a well-known phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

How true it is, and what a perfect example Lindsey is of making lemonade.

Why is the lemon green?
A green lemon is unique –  Just like Lindsey.

On the t-shirt, the lemon is missing some wedges.  Why?
 The missing wedges represents the physical battle Lindsey is fighting.  When you look at the lemon though, it is easy to see a complete lemon slice.

Why is the lemon slice full on the Living Through Laughter logo?
Every individual and family who has put forth time, prayers, thoughts, donations,  and sharing Lindsey’s story has filled the missing wedges.

As we each face battles, there will be times when we are missing wedges to our own personal “lemon”.  We are still a whole, and by following Lindsey’s inspirational message of Living Through Laughter, our lemon slice can be full again.

One response to “The Lemon

  1. goofygrapes June 30, 2011 at 9:11 am

    I honestly had not read this until just this moment. Thank you so much for the explanation and meaning behind it all Jenna. I love and appreciate you more than I can express.

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